Simone Kessler

Acceleratorvideo, 3' loop, dimensions variable, (video still)
video, 3' loop, dimensions variable
(video still)
Acceleratorvideo, 3' loop, dimensions variable, (video still)
video, 3' loop, dimensions variable
(video still)

A small, neon-colored rubber ball gets accelerated by gravity. The long-awaited landing on the ground is withheld from the observer. The bouncy ball flies endlessly through ever-changing backdrops.

From the Series Sequenzen:

Kessler‘s art shows transformative processes, often concretely
in and on the material itself. The Sequenzen body of
work is a series of experiments on the forces we are surrounded
by, attempting to capture how the world is shaped by
tiny yet uncannily effective forces such as sound waves, vibrations,
gravity, or time. Some of the works use a magnifying
glass to make these forces more visible, while others play with
the expectations we have of them.
Sequenzen includes works that are in a loop as well as objects
that are deliberately ephemeral; their creation already
anticipates their end.

Sequenzen is a body of work since 2019