Simone Kessler

Images of Bombs Stored in the Sea, Stored on a Hard Drive, Stored in a Vacuum-sealed Plastic Bag, Stored in Sea Water, Stored in a Plastic Bag, Signed by the Artist.object, hard drive, sea water, plastic bags, 38 × 30 cm, (exhibition view)
object, hard drive, sea water, plastic bags, 38 × 30 cm
(exhibition view)

From the Series Earthly Matters:

At the height of global capitalism, we continue to consume, produce and live in a world that cannot regenerate at nearly the same speed. The body of work Earthly Matters defines our scope of action within this scenario as a space for imagination. Simone Kessler‘s current works from installations and sculptures to film, photographs and drawings. Each work is dedicated, in its way, to central questions: Which problems do we have to face today? Which other images of tomorrow are already possible? How can we think them together? To use the last words of a science fiction trilogy by Octavia E. Butler: How can we sow them into fertile soil?

Earthly Matters is a body of work since 2019